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About Our Walks

Each week we alternate the types of walks we do so that there is something for everyone.

If you are thinking of trying a walk with us choose a walk that will suit your experience.  You can always build up to the long strenuous walks if you want to later.

Shorter walks are organised monthly and will be between 4 and 6 miles long.  These walks are easier and at a more relaxed pace with frequent stops to look at points of interest etc.  Usual start time is 11am and may be a ‘sandwich walk’ or a ‘meal walk’.

Longer walks will be monthly and can be any length, usually greater than 10 miles and any grade.  They will be at a brisker pace than the other walks with fewer stops.  These walks usually start at 10am in the winter and 10:30am in the summer and may be a ‘sandwich walk’ or a ‘meal walk’.

Normal summer walks will be fortnightly and will take place from the beginning until the end of British Summer Time. The walks can be any length, usually 8 –10 miles.  Normal walks should appeal to as many members as possible i.e. with regard to distance/general terrain/ascent etc.  The walks will be ‘sandwich walks’ and usually start at 10.30am.

Normal winter walks will be fortnightly and will take place from the beginning until the end of Greenwich Mean Time. The walks will be between 7 and 9 miles long.  The walk may be a ‘sandwich walk’ or there may be a pre-booked meal after the walk usually between 2pm and 3pm dependent upon the walk length and pub requirements.   Start time is usually 10am.

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